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Author Topic: Cobaw Sat July 25 2009  (Read 3705 times)
Mat R
Committee 2013/2014
Posts: 1775


« on: July 28, 2009, 06,49:10 AM »

Well the Cobaw rides are getting good attendance, and also getting people interested in coming out earlier for a pre-ride to the ramble.

I met up with six people at the BP and thought this was going to be a fairly quiet afternoon, knowing there were a few more already out enjoying the tracks in the morning.

When we arrived at the carpark it was quite full, which it has been recently when I have been there.

We started unloading and getting ready and the morning group rocked into the carpark, having been delayed with a repair on an XR oil filter cover that had suffered from an attack of the Cobaw mice.

I called out for everyone on the AMTRA/DBW Cobaw ride to come over for a rider briefing, and was surprised as nearly everyone in the carpark came over.  The final headcount came to 28 riders, the largest Cobaw ride group so far.

I decided to use 2 people per corner and after a brief and chance for questions we fired up the bikes and headed off.  Tracks were in great shape and I set off on a short loop and after about 15 minutes stopped for a regroup, already stretching out the group to around 5 minutes.  All were happy with the tracks so we continued on and started to make our way over some of the more challenging 4wd tracks towards "the loop".

After going up a short detour track to the peak of the Cobaw range I stopped for a regroup and not many were coming through.  We headed back down to the main road, taking care as there were a few riders coming up, and waited for a regroup there.  Seems a few were having a little trouble on some sections, but as always plenty of people lending a hand.

Then it was off to the "the loop" which is a set of tracks that if you keep heading left form a nice 5 minute loop.  This gives those who want to ride on something to have a go at while those wanting a rest/social chat can hang back.

After this it was along the lower track towards what would be the challenge hill for the day.  The leading group got up without any trouble but the approach can make it look tougher and put a few off.  Some also had trouble on the mid section which also made it look a little tougher.

Word got down the line that some were having trouble so I stopped the group at a corner and went back with Mark and Chris to see if we could sort it out.  A few reductions in back tyre pressure and encouragement and off they went.  There was another out so I gave directions and two went that way and joined up at the next cornerperson.

From here it was starting to get on so we headed back towards the carpark, along a nice little trail that still throws out a challenge or two.  On this section though everyone seemed to be handling it well and at the last regroup it was not long until the tail arrived.

I gave people the option of returning by dirt road or track and a few chose the road so we split and headed off, both groups arriving about the same time at the carpark.

Not so many k's are done on the afternoon ramble but everyone seemed to have enjoyed the ride and that is the main point in going.

So if you only have a Saturday afternoon free keep an eye out for the next Cobaw afternoon ramble and come along (Hint - look at Aug 22 on the calendar).

Thanks to all who came.

Mat R     WR450 Ride leader
Mark C    Berg 550 Morning ride lead
Julian T  Honda CRF250X Tail (morning and afternoon)
David T   WR450 Track consultant
Charlie G KTM450 Cobaw regular
Rob B     WR250 Who needs a berg to get the front up all the time?
Alley     CRF230 Now a Cobaw vet
Pat       KX100 You read that right, and he used it well.
Jack      KTM400 Diversion lead, thanks.
Plus 19 others who I will add later.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 06,55:40 AM by Mat R » Logged

When is the next ride?
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