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Author Topic: Grand Final Fumina Ride  (Read 4648 times)
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 830

« on: September 27, 2009, 02,54:12 AM »

Grand Final at Fumina.
By Al Mason 26th September ‘09
Well with a forecast  top of 11c with rain, hail and strong wins. It came as a bit of a surprise with the rush of phone calls Friday night, with people saying it wasn’t the ride for them?
Saturday morning six riders front and the questions start about how slippery it was going to be and the depth of the rivers. “Do we really have to cross them Al?” We set off just after 9am to find out; how ever I did decide that my usual first track would be avoided. The plan was to use the new tracks reeced on the last ride, which worried me more than the rest of the day. As I did such a dismal job getting through last time. How ever, other than one new fallen tree that required the bikes to be lifted over, I made it to the end unassisted. And as rider after rider popped out at the end the smiles and sense of achievement on their faces told me this track was a keeper.
Trundling through some other favorite tracks we arrive at my usual first river crossing. The usually clear crossing was today brown sludge with white caps and a few meters wider. After joking about having to cross, the looks of a lynching taking place I suggested another option. With a few good slick tracks a few more transport bits we were at  another crossing. This one had to be done to access the tracks that keep people coming back. Andrew said it didn’t look to bad; I agreed and edged the front wheel in? Knowing the bottom is fairly flat and straight forward and trying to judge a very strong and fast current. I cracked the throttle, dropped the clutch and thought of a happy place? Across I was, but only just with the current moving me a lot more than planned. Yet now knowing that the rest had to follow my lead, that feeling of satisfaction took over. Not saying my crossing was stylish, but boy there were some interesting styles to the rest.
Once across we could now go and enjoy some of my favorite tracks. This group travel so well, with no one falling behind and no one giving me the hurry up, we actually chewed up the ks quite quickly. With just a few quick regroups and snacks along the way. The consensus seemed to be, god its cold, wet and the slipperiest place I’ve ever been. But bring on more, this is great. A change of tail man and  we blasted our way to the usual lunch stop by the river and had a chat between Andrew, Dave and myself and fuel exchange to make sure Des wasn’t walking home. It was decided not to do the extra loop over the river and make tracks for home, but not miss anything on the way there. Matt decided he wanted to resume tail man duties, as be let of the leash had caused him to taste the mud a bit too much. Leading him to check if his bike was running on slicks?
The term, "this is a whole different kind of slippery" was mentioned, were I replied with, “Just wait, the slipperiest track is coming up?” After a brief stop to remove some fallen trees it was into one of the most loved tracks by the punters on my ride, also the slickest (ask Rob and his crutches?) After emerging back on the main road, some a little muddier and some a lot. Matt came out with the quote of the day, “this place is like Disney on ice!”
I gave the group a fairly crusie trip back to the river, and one by one they came across. And apart from Mark stalling mid crossing, everyone got across unscaved. The pace seemed to pick up with home now in sight and once across the final river on Kenny Spur my usual speech about meeting me at the end of the track done. A few took the chance to have some fun; well it must have been fun. Because we I caught up to Greg, he was facing the wrong way with a clutch leaver trying to escape its perch. After a brief regroup, we rode the transport stage back to the cars. And after a quick chat Des and Greg refueled and began their ride home. The rest of us loaded up and got changed in the hail and headed for home.
Everyone seemed to have a great day in some horrible weather and all wanting to know when I was putting the ride on again. Thanks to Matt and Andrew for tail man duties. And to the group making this a fun and enjoyable ride. Thanks Al
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 04,44:53 AM by ALWR » Logged

Posts: 7

« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 01,30:39 AM »


Thanks for the ride, was awesome fun despite the slip and sliding. Im Still laughing about Gregs crash on the mad mile home, and the muliple lead changes.

Ill be checking for the date of the next one for sure!

thanks again - Btw im looking for a crash proof fuel bottle for next time, (and sorbolene for the ring burn just in case.)
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 830

« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 07,34:55 AM »

Glad you Greg had a good time. The next one is on the 10th October but is a level 1-2 ride. Might need to ttame it down a bit depending who comes. Havnt set a date after that yet but keep a look out on the club calender and if i remember i will contact you. Cheers Al.
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