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Author Topic: BIG RIVER 12/6/2011  (Read 4813 times)
Ken R
Committee 2013/2014
Posts: 699

Himalayas gateway, only 16,000ft to go.

« on: June 14, 2011, 12,39:38 PM »

It was 6 deg leaving Frankston at 6am, colder in Warburton at 7.15 - 4 deg but the bakery cuppa and pastie helped, bloody cold at Big River camp - 2 deg for getting your gear off and riding clobber on - BRRRR!!

The first narrow track had us all warmed up nicely and the second was welcome as we spotted a bit of snow along the way. At the re-group the run-off from the melting snow had the track looking like a swimming pool.

A corner person mix up at the lunch break had me sailing along keeping to the main enjoyable track until I came to a 'T' intersection and no corner person - oops! Slowly back until meeting a 4WD tray with a girl and dog sitting out back on the fire wood. Girl Fawkes night with dog came to mind, but not to be deterred I asked if they had seen a group of riders - yes they had, further back down the track.

Soon re-united for lunch we waited for Anthony to return from his seeking Ken mission. When he did he informed us he had found a new track he had not ridden before.

After lunch the new track was attacked with gusto, it was a Grouse flowing track that had John, George and myself arriving at the end with hearts pumping and ear to ear grins. That was the end of running the new rings in and it was nice to get home with no oil used.

There were a couple of good climbs on the day with one in particular standing out. Anthony said there was a way around if required, but we all decided to have a go. About 3/4 of the way up was a 300mm-ish rock ledge that needed momentum to get over. We all got up OK including Julie despite a moment getting over the ledge -well done Julie.

Stewart had a moment stalling in a creek crossing with all his carb breather hoses under water, Anthony to the rescue with the nearby campers enjoying the show. Don't forget to re route a couple of those hoses Stewart.

The Yarra was flowing well thru Warburton and we crossed it once, thanks again Anthony for standing near the hole, just in case.

John needed a couple of litres from Anthony to make sure he didn't have to push the big Berg back. Must have been all that extra wheel spin with that bald rear tyre John.

With 116 ks done we were back at the cars about 4.30 after a great ride under a blue sky. Thanks to all for an enjoyable day.

Leader Anthony WR4
Tail Rodney KTM300
Written Ken KTM4
Julie Honda 230
John FE570
Stewart WR250
George WR4
Andrew WR4

SEX - It's OK, but nothing like the real thing!!
Committee 2013/2014
Posts: 59

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 09,33:39 AM »

. Thanks ken for report,great weather&a great bunch of people, the track after lunch was just made for big bores,had a ball on the wr250. To all those who came thanks   
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