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Author Topic: Ride Report Noojee Sunday 26th of September 2010 by Brad McDiarmid.  (Read 5084 times)
« on: September 27, 2010, 09,40:50 AM »

Ride Report Noojee   Sunday 26th of September 2010 by Brad McDiarmid.

The weather was perfect for riding starting around 10 degrees with a top of 20 degrees mid arvo and daylight savings is in the wind with early light at 5.30am. There were 6 riders on the day with the ride beginning after 9am briefing.
Headed onto the first section 13K’s of flow on mostly sandy loam and surprisingly may a plot of water on the tracks. Regrouped at La Trobe river which is looking high at an estimated 1m mid stream and 600mm at the rapids edge. Josh and Jason checked out the wall however is worn out and needs a rest, one of those times for DSE to block it otherwise it will erode to nothing and the trees will fall.

Headed toward Fumina and decided with advice from Al to do a track which was interesting with the odd reverse camber wash aways. Cruised along Costings and headed up another long flowing track to the ridge were we ran down to the junction. Went down Costings link track which has been graded and is now rubbish where we hit the river. River wasn’t that deep perhaps 500mm and we turned around to find some more interesting stuff hitting a few sections of narrow track and a horrible section of overgrown to buggery track which the boys endured (apologies) until Josh found a bailout which we happily took and headed to the river for lunch with the local mozzies that are huge fella’s!
Reckon we cover less than 10 percent of Al's ride but there just isn't the fuel for it in the areas covered. Hence if you want to do a full Fumina day go on Al's ride it is a level or two up from this or more depends on the weather.

Worked our way back to Neerim South where I finally found the road after 10K’s of searching and we propped for a refuel. Jason has this nice setup on the Berg 570 with an extra tank for range that is gold. Moved on some fuel from the Exxon Valdez to the other bikes and lightened the load still didn’t stop me dropping it couple times on the narrow tracks logs. Ran along the 450 narrow to Wild Bill and back to the La Trobe river. Cruised back up to the cars to find the best overgrown goat I have found for a while which we headed down for 2K of flow and back up on the other side to get back on Tolleys. At the junction did the loop of Suckling and was reminded how interesting the climb was in and out between ruts and rocks which Stuart, Leo and myself made more difficult than is required. Got back to the cars about 3.30pm for a brew and a chat.

Thanks for the fantastic company.

Ride list:
Brad McDiarmid   WR250   Ride leader
Leo Giannini      CRF450R   Tailman
Marc LeBrun      CRF450
Jason Earle      Berg 570
Stuart Mackey      WR250
Josh Barry      KTM530
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 10,02:38 AM by Brad » Logged
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 830

« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 10,28:02 AM »

Glad to hear the suggestions worked out Dr Brad. Sounds like another good days riding. Have another chat to me at the meeting if you need any more links or tracks Al.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 11,14:17 AM »

Thanks Al when I mature a tad more on this ride I will ask for more assistance, still can't find the top of Russell Tk? Cheers Brad
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 11,16:48 AM by Brad » Logged
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 830

« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 11,30:22 AM »

Ah. Thats an easy one. Bring your map to meeting, local knowledge to find it from either end. If your next ride falls on the right date, im happy to tag along. Al
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 07,30:07 AM »

Great ride Brad, 115ks of bliss and I was home for dinner. I'm still try'n to get there on the 9th. I'll let you know asap. Stuart.
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