Title: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: SCHEVY on February 10, 2013, 09,48:30 AM G’day all,
This ride nearly didn’t happen for me, but our lovely Sandra aka Bob :-* kindly lent me her “Chick Mobile” alias TTR230 & we were ready to rock! Gotta love those big pink lips & the squeaky horn, what a classic ha ha ha & I tell you what, don’t underestimate the power of those little Yammy’s…what a blast of a bike & what a fun easy bike to ride…I want one!!!! … along with a quick snap on Rudi’s Kato 300…wwwoooooowwww!!!!!! :o Want one of those too!!!! Zeb’s ride in the Larby/Gembrook region is awesome & as most of the tracks now have been graded, there’s no real rut issues anymore which for a lot of us, makes for easier, flowing riding. With still some technical challenge sections thrown in, but mainly nice ups & downs on the hills, it was a great day for all & plenty of opportunities to wind it on… After a few rest stops, we got back to the cars for lunch around 2¸ where a few departed & some of us then went out again for one more hit….back by 5 to the cars, with smiles on our dials…. Great bunch of guys as always, along with the wonderful Annie. Bob we missed you & big congrats too on getting your full bike licence, well done. Our tails Frog, Ken, & the rest, thanks for your assistance & to our new member Pete, you gotta get your bike up & going real soon & jump on the next AMTRA ride :D Here’s some pics from the day & Zeb, thanks once again…looking forward to your next one. Cherio, Marls (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7200_zps4ea58fcf.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7199_zps4e58508d.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7201_zps70c7b75a.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7205_zpse7f7b650.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7206_zpsf17b524a.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7210_zps9dcdce53.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7212_zps14050413.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7218_zps4b083b15.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7219_zpsc3756ec4.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7220_zpsde96875a.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7236_zps805c0916.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7242_zps18c58162.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7243_zps19dd181f.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7244_zpsc88f29dc.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7245_zpsdc6c596a.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7247_zps59084d1b.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7248_zpsbeea4548.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7249_zps91fd3bfc.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7250_zpsaf7d0925.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7251_zps26b768cb.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7226_zpsd55dc269.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7223_zps34eefaf0.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7227_zps28db27ce.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7229_zpsf4d1146e.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7252_zpsafee5320.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7253_zps60670179.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7255_zpsd650912d.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7256_zps4dbd4b1c.jpg) (http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv188/MARLSFRED/ZEBS%20LARBY%20GEMBROOK%20AMTRA%20RIDE%20FEB%202012/IMG_7204_zpsa1d490a7.jpg) Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2012 Post by: Zeb Colic on February 10, 2013, 10,37:32 AM Woe marls their are some rely good shots in that lot great work ....
Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2012 Post by: Zeb Colic on February 10, 2013, 10,55:49 AM This bunyip ride needs a new leader I am going to pass this ride onto someone else , Dazza you know the place well I reckon it should be Darren's Tynong Tour , I hope that someone take 's it on it seems popular and it's a fun day for those people that just want a nice ride without to many nasty surprises .
I am more that happy to hand over the maps and route info to anyone that many be interested , even don't mind coming out their and giving the interested party a guided tour to help them get going ... I am going to work on a new clubman ride so fingers crossed it works out and we can all enjoy a new loop. Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: RAZZ450 on February 11, 2013, 06,52:57 AM Hi Everyone,
It was a hot, dry and dusty day for our ride at Labertouche. It was good to get on the bike again. The first for the year for me after the christmas break. A good turn out for the ride, a great bunch of people to ride with. A few hiccups along the way but all turned out well in the end. The ride was easy and fast flowing with one technical hill. Overall, it was a good ride for beginners and a cruisy ride for those more experienced. Thanks for putting on the ride Zeb. Cheers, Adam :) Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Ken R on February 11, 2013, 07,36:07 AM Come on guys - What's happening to the the Green Machine?
Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: johnny d on February 11, 2013, 07,59:31 AM thanks Zeb for putting the ride on,, after my last couple of attempts I finally managed to start and complete this one,, I had a ball.. was just so good to be out on the bike and trails again, and with the people on this ride it made for an absolute pleasure to be out there. Thanks to Ken for morning tail duties, thanks to Freddo for afternoon tail duties..
p.s. Peter- get that bike going and head out with us again. ;D , don't let it put you off, breakdowns happen.. Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Darren lynch on February 11, 2013, 10,29:27 AM Come on guys - What's happening to the the Green Machine? Picked up some bark that was slowing me down and getting a bit hot around the rear brakes ;D not the day to start a fire (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/3821_10_02_13_11_46_41_4.jpg) Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Peter r on February 12, 2013, 04,50:42 AM Come on guys - What's happening to the the Green Machine? Picked up some bark that was slowing me down and getting a bit hot around the rear brakes ;D not the day to start a fire (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/3821_10_02_13_11_46_41_4.jpg) Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Rudi on February 12, 2013, 09,23:08 AM Hi Zebby
had an absolute blast thanks mate. When is the next one? ;D ;D Hey guys when Zeb puts on the next ride in this great riding area make sure to put your name down it is an awesome experience, Thanks to Ken for doing tailman and to everyone that made it it a great day out on the bikes, Cheers :) :) Rudi Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Tony H on February 17, 2013, 01,42:11 AM G'day Zeb, thanks for the ride. I did a quick 70KM loop this morning from the Forest road unloading area. The worst of the ruts on Robinsons track at the Forest road end are no more,courtesy of a bulldozer. Those 2 rutted hill climbs are smooth. This takes away a good challenge, however the good news is approx. 67 erosion mounds along the length of Robinsons track. There are a number that run in sets before the track opens up again - man you can get some air.
Still pumped, Tony Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Zeb Colic on February 17, 2013, 03,45:27 AM G'day Zeb, thanks for the ride. I did a quick 70KM loop this morning from the Forest road unloading area. The worst of the ruts on Robinsons track at the Forest road end are no more,courtesy of a bulldozer. Those 2 rutted hill climbs are smooth. This takes away a good challenge, however the good news is approx. 67 erosion mounds along the length of Robinsons track. There are a number that run in sets before the track opens up again - man you can get some air. Still pumped, Tony Hi Tony , how's the hill I got everyone stuck on is that gone .... ? Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Tony H on February 17, 2013, 04,22:49 AM Same gradient,smooth with a bit of loose rock.However you have to watch the soft patches on the way down. Mind you a bunch of 4WD's drove up when I was coming back and they were packing it nicely without chewing ruts.
Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Tony H on February 19, 2013, 07,51:40 AM Back to Labertouche today (I love anual leave) and the Parks mob are having a ball with a grader and bobcat on Robinsons track. The first 3 pictures are of that rutted hill on Zebs last ride-no more.
(http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_03_21_0.jpg) (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_03_21_1.jpg) (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_03_22_2.jpg) The last picture is Robinsons track at the Quartz road end (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_03_22_3.jpg) I turned left onto Quartz, down to forest road until I got to Bullock Link track (my favourite in the Laby area). This track climbs back up to Robinsons track and has a few great technical bits (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_33_23_3.jpg) (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_33_23_2.jpg) (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_33_23_1.jpg) (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/18143_19_02_13_6_33_23_0.jpg) You must commit at this section or it can go to Sh*t real quick. Actually saw some Lyre bird this morning and dodged quite a few wallabies. I started riding at 7.30am and the weather was fantastic. regards Tony Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: nathanstott on February 19, 2013, 09,16:59 AM Great pics Tony, that 4th picture looks like AWESOME fun, gotta love a freshly groomed motocross track, if i was you i would have ridden that track a few times!!
Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Timmers on February 19, 2013, 11,01:58 AM Great pics Tony, that 4th picture looks like AWESOME fun, gotta love a freshly groomed motocross track, if i was you i would have ridden that track a few times!! A few times absolutely pinnedddd!! as flat and easy that looks it would of been awesome! Title: Re: Zeb's Larby Bunyip Ride - February 2013 Post by: Yarra_Valley on March 14, 2013, 06,33:32 AM Good pics Marls !!
2 Questions: Why is Zeb wearing pink pants ?? Trying to ride like a girl hey Zeb :) ha ha And what was wrong with your KTM Marls ??? Sandra is a top chick lending you her precious 230 :) Those things tractor up anything. Yazza. |