Title: Daylesford ride 3/2013 first for the year L1 and up Post by: john t on March 10, 2013, 08,58:59 AM Thanks all for coming as the weather was a bit on the warm side thank god for the breeze as it kept the temp down
Ted and Tammy did a great job on the BBQ Seano and Tammy seem to get better a organizing food every time big thanks as it is not easy guessing how much the bring Thanks to all who helped clean up and take the rubbish home as we I went back to day to finish putting thing away there Wasn’t any paper / cans to be seen, great job all for keeping the litter under control thru out the day Al ,Seano ,Shaz, Jess , Mark and myself took most of the under 4 feet gang through the creek to the back bush block on a trail ride They all went really well considering the size of the logs and the size of their wheels we had a few assisted pickup’s a couple of deviations And No tears I think they enjoy it even if it was a bit hot what they lack in skill they make up in enthusiasm All in all good day out on bikes hope see you all next ride PS. After talking to a few of our smaller punter we may be seeing some more clutch bikes next ride good to see Keep up the good work John T Title: Re: Daylesford ride 3/2013 first for the year L1 and up Post by: SCHEVY on March 10, 2013, 11,21:51 AM G'day all,
Always love the big day out at Johnno's place. Huge thanks once again for putting this fantastic event on. The weather was perfect, not too hot & the kids & the big kids were all having a blast ;D Love the new tracks & thanks Mr Piere for leading us astray on a few loops, as well as Ron a bit later in the arvo. As always, sweeps Al & Ron..you's rock!! Ted & Tammy, top job..you're kitchen rules :D The food was awesome. My entourage alias Steve & guest, my workmate Boydie, had a great day too & omg interesting convoy...those blokes talked so much on the way, that I missed my turnoff & nearly ended up in Geelong ??? & they say us women can talk ;) ....glad you could join us.... Apart from nearly being taken out twice by some roam'n Joey's & bowled over by the pit tents when the wind caught em, I think my 9 lives are still in tact ha ha... Once again big thanks to the Johhno clan, looking forward to your next one... 8) Cheers Marls Title: Re: Daylesford ride 3/2013 first for the year L1 and up Post by: colinp on March 12, 2013, 11,26:57 AM Hi John
Thanks to you and your family for a great day. Kathleen, my daughter and I really enjoyed the riding and company.. Kathleen hadn't been on a bike much for the past couple of years so it was a great environment for her to get back into riding. Also thanks to Zeb and Pete R for taking us around the loop, great riding for beginners. Cheers Colin |