Well we managed to clock up 130 klms for the day and I,m feelin everyone one of em now .When I arrived at the carpark to see around 15 or so bikes I was thinkin I was in for a big day but it turned out to be the gippsland trail riders.Scanning the crowd I saw lefty then Lynton rode in followed closely by trev.
By nine we decided to head off with the sun shining the weather was warm but not too hot.I started with mormon town to the end with no dramas all was good and we were well and truly warmed up and rare,n to go.
From here we made our way to saddle on to beardmoores ,cmf to trig which says on the map very steep ,we get to the bottom to cross the creek and lynton decided to take a swim bike and all.With that fixed we made our decent upwards ,all good no dramas.
On to one speck left into east right into dream onto pheasent down flats to little o tooles camp ground for lunch on the creek.With a little cloud cover starting to come over it made things a little more pleasent.
Off we go again down donnely to jorgensens right into toomben and right into toomstar,now this mother is steep all down no worries but on the vertical decent through poor gear selection I had a lye down and stopped everyone mid decent .WE managed to get goin again witout to much fuss.
Now at the end of toomstar we are gettin low on fuel and its now three o clock so its time to head back to the cars. down willoughby across to army(where upon another lie down for me half way up a very steep rocky hill was the order of the day) all the way back to binns rd.Ok decission time its gettin late we have little fuel do we do the right thing and head down the main rd or do we do some more tracks.Yeah just as I thought we,re havin to much fun ,tracks it is then.
Into deep creek 4 down wasn,t so bad but those up hills man are they steep and did I mention loose and rocky and steep.With fatige settin in we now had our last challenge for the day in the order of deepcreek 1 ,again there was rocks , steepness with the added bonus of a rocky creek bed you have to travel right down the middle of.Ok finaly were at the top and off we head to our home would bound track of mormon town acoss the thompson river bridge and into browns.
All now back at the cars safe and sound with little fuel and energy left at 5:30 pm,to find my trailer littered with tree branchs and toilet paper so I,m guessen that some of my AMTRA friends may have had lunch at the stockyard.
TO lefty a big thankyou for tail duty for the day ,mate you you may not go fast but you are unstoppable thankyou ocne again
To lynton and trev your company for the day was awsome thankyou for your patience on my map reading stops and I hope you all went home with a big smile , until the next one adios amigos