It was at this point that the cornerman system kinda went pear shaped. The pointman (sorry,I didn't get any names)took off and we all followed a minute later.
Unfortunately no-one seemed to know which way he went so we ended up riding to Marysville by the main road.
That should read...some bright spark decided to circumvent the cornerman system and just turn left off the road instead of going straight ahead as per the cornerman system. And most of the rest followed. Phil, Luke and Kelvyn - being a bit smarter than this and found an annoyed Shane and I waiting on a the next corner.... some time later for the trip through the triangle into Marysville.
After lunch we found a nice route back to Dom Dom via the Granton car park which is looking like it will get a guernsey ......soon.
There was a lot of challenging stuff for the L1/L2 guys but grip was good and as a result nobody had any major drama's.