Title: Committee Changes Post by: Paul Smith on November 18, 2009, 10,17:15 PM It is with some regret that the 09/10 committee announces the resignation of our current Treasurer Paul L. Pauls resignation will be effective early in the new year.
At the November meeting Simon Kermode put his name forward to fill the role of Treasurer from Pauls departure. Thanks Simon ! The role of secretary is vacant. If you want to nominate to fill the role of Treasurer or Secretary please do put your name forward to a committee member before the next committee meeting January 20 Regards, Paul (Web EDITOR) Title: Re: Committee Changes Post by: Paul Lacy on November 19, 2009, 02,07:20 AM Just to let you know, I am resigning because of a new job (with the same organization)that is located in Sydney.
I am sad about leaving AMTRA Vic and the treasurers role. AMTRA is a great club and I have made a lot of great friends. I will continue to ride in Sydney and have already been in contact with AMTRA NSW. I will hopefully make a few Vic rides like HCR, Tim's weekend and maybe even the Merton 1000 next year. Its only 8 hours drive from Sydney to Abbeyard! We will most likely be leaving Melbourne at the end of January so I'll get out on as many rides as I can before we leave. Cheers Paul Lacy Title: Re: Committee Changes Post by: Fred Flintstone on January 13, 2010, 02,14:02 AM Hey Paul,
Look me up when you get to Sydney. I'll show you the riding round my area. Regards Steve 0411 540262 |