Title: February is the month of... Post by: Paul Smith on February 03, 2010, 09,03:51 AM Hi all,
This at this months General meeting I'll be giving away a bottle of truckwash to whoever posts the picture of them pulling a ghastly face! I'll get the ball rolling.... (http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc132/abbeyard/General/Face.jpg) Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Peter r on February 03, 2010, 09,38:20 AM Hi all, Do you have some CT18 ??This at this months General meeting I'll be giving away a bottle of truckwash to whoever posts the picture of them pulling a ghastly face! Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Paul Smith on February 03, 2010, 10,22:53 AM Better. K&H Powerwash. PH balanced and will not eat your plastics like the cheap stuff does !
Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Peter r on February 03, 2010, 10,27:08 AM Better. K&H Powerwash. PH balanced and will not eat your plastics like the cheap stuff does ! CT 18 is not cheap !!Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Peter r on February 03, 2010, 10,30:20 AM Hi all, So when are you going to put up this ghastly face, cos the one you put up is what i remember you always look like.This at this months General meeting I'll be giving away a bottle of truckwash to whoever posts the picture of them pulling a ghastly face! I'll get the ball rolling.... (http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc132/abbeyard/General/Face.jpg) Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Paul Smith on February 03, 2010, 10,34:36 AM Be nice Pete I've got a cracker of you that I could post on your behalf.... ;D
Title: Re: February is the month of... Post by: Starby on February 08, 2010, 05,42:16 PM Harbin (Haerbin) China, Minus 40c and dropping. Truck wash warms you up doesn't it?