Title: Rules for some but not for others. Post by: Starby on May 06, 2010, 02,30:07 PM Cheers Devon Title: Re: Rules for some but not for others. Post by: Ian Robinson on May 06, 2010, 08,52:40 PM Devon,
you know the answer to most if not all those questions. There is no need to explain anything to you. you are smart enough to work it out. AMTRA is running very well with lots of enthusiastic people putting in a big effort to do this. If you really want to know the answers come to a club or committee meeting where you can ask those questions (again) personally. It would appear you are still trying to stir up trouble on here so this is an official warning. The moderators of the site will not stand for anyone trying to cause trouble and any further attempts will get you banned (this time permanently). regards, Ian |