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Author Topic: DSE Track Closures ** Please Read **  (Read 114004 times)
Paul Smith
« on: October 02, 2009, 04,46:52 AM »

Well it looks like the DSE are up to old tricks again.

They want to close down some of the best tracks in the state because THEY don't use them.

1. Around Disso.$File/Map+1+Mount+Disappointment.pdf

2. Around Murrundindi$File/Map+2+Toolangi+State+Forest.pdf

3. More around  Murrundindi$File/Map+3+Black+Range+State+Forest.pdf

4. Chopping out one of the best tracks in the Nolan Rally and what I think is one of the best dirt bike tracks in Victoria/Australia - Second Creek track.$File/Map+4+Rubicon+State+Forest.pdf

5. Some of the sneaky stuff out the back of Granton. I wonder if the DSE commitment to environment means they'll take away the old car bodies hidden in there ?$File/Map+5+Marysville+State+Forest.pdf

6. In the Strathbogies$File/Map+6+Strathbogie+State+Forest.pdf

7. Out near Woods Point$File/Map+7+Goulburn+State+Forest.pdf


In the mean time I'll contact Roger P and see if we can get access to send our submissions in the new fashioned way (online) as nobody uses letters (snail mail) anymore except the annoying buggers who send out bills !
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 10,24:44 AM by Paul Smith » Logged
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 06,32:23 AM »

Wasn't this the stuff the Peter Ellard had been addressing?
Ian Robinson

Posts: 2551

Life Member

« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 07,12:51 AM »

The links in Pauls post ARE NOW working.


Try this one.

Number 7 in Pauls post is Abbot Creek Track. This is a great track but seriously dangerous now for the average 4wder but a great challenge for those who know what they are doing and for bikes. I will be lobbying for that to be opened (it has been closed for some time due to being dangerous) however I cant see it ever being opened due the very high cost of making it passable and safe for the average user.

Brad, Peter is no longer involved in any track management issues unfortunately so we need someone else (or a group)to step up take on these issues for AMTRA.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 10,44:14 AM by Paul Smith » Logged

Life member since Feb 82

Only a motorcyclist knows why a dog hangs its head out the window.
Paul Smith
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 11,56:47 AM »

Hi All,

I just heard from Roger Pitt @ DSE. He has been kind enough to advise us to use the following email address to send our responses to the track closure proposals.

For those of you who are can't be bothered typing your own response feel free to copy and paste mine into an email to Richard.


Keep it civil !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear Richard,

Having had the opportunity to view the 20 proposed road and track closures in the North East region I am extremely disappointed in the reasoning given by the DSE to close tracks.

For the DSE to state that because a track has no operational purpose to the DSE that it should be closed completely ignores the fact that the majority of these tracks are of use and in use regularly by members of the public such as myself.

Furthermore my experience is that much of the works that the DSE do to rehabilitate tracks results in the the tracks being significantly easier for all vehicles to use. The DSE's removal of the challenging tracks results in significantly more traffic that we would otherwise get in sensitive areas.

By improving some of the tracks to a state where a high clearance 2wd family sedan could traverse them we have seen a rise in the proportion of high speed crashes because bikes and cars are able to travel significantly faster along the tracks that have been significantly improved by the DSE.

In many cases the lack of challenging tracks available to bush users pushes people who want a challenge to create their own. Although I don't support people putting in single track. We all know that whatever action the DSE takes to close single tracks and interesting 4wd tracks determined bush users will find a way around - creating more damage than the original track did.

Why not leave the challenging tracks in the network and mark them as so. A sign at each end of a track saying "Caution - Track in poor condition - Traverse With Care" would give a far better result for all concerned than simply closing it.

For example. The last group ride I went on in the Eildon area we organised a bush refuel jus so that we could ride No 5, Snob's No 6 and Second Creek Track as BECAUSE THEY ARE A CHALLENGE.

I am calling on the DSE take the actions indicated in brackets instead of closing the following tracks.

Second Creek Track (Signpost and leave it alone)
No 5 Track (Signpost and leave it alone)
Snobs No 6 Track (Signpost and leave it alone)

Strathbogies Forrest
#1 Track (Close the surrounding unmapped tracks)

Goulburn Forrest
Abbots Creek Track (Signpost and leave it alone)

Black Range Forrest
Buxton Spur Track (The section of track is not in a plantation. Public Roads and Tracks tracks through timber leases DO NOT override the public right to use those roads and tracks).

Mount Disappointment
Track #2 (Leave it alone - The track is not a danger to anyone)
Poison Link Track

Track #6 (There is no evidence to support damage being done to the water supply by these tracks near the catchment area)

Track #7 (Put a sign at either end on the the tracks that have hazards and leave them alone.)


Paul Smith
Member of AMTRA
Taxpayer and track user !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 12,01:52 PM by Paul Smith » Logged
Peter r
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 2482

« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 03,48:21 AM »

Hi Richard.
I was reading the proposed track closures for the North East Forrest Region, and noted that there is several closures that i often use. I feel that track closures will take out some of the excitement that our Forrest's have to offer for 4wd & trailbikers, transfering  the traffic to wide open tracks that can be quite dangerous for me and fellow Trailbike Riders.
Please consider my concern with these closures, as we all should have the opportunity to use the Forrest for our Recreation now and for a long time to come.
My biggest concern would be for closure of tracks around Eildon-Jamieson area.

Peter Ross
Member Of AMTRA (Australian Motorcycle Trail Riders Association)
And Long time Forrest User


Hi Peter,

Thanks for the comments. I have had a few others from AMTRA members, so glad to hear the word is getting out.

Once the public consultation period closes, we will review everyone's suggestions and see what we have to work with.

My NE Trail Bike Project Officer is on holidays at the moment, but we will be reviewing all the feedback in mid November.

We will then be in a good position to respond to people's concerns and where necessary, undertake field inspections to better understand the issues.

We will keep you updated.


Richard Wadsworth
Statewide Recreation & Tourism Coordinator
Land & Fire Services
2/30 Prospect Street
Box Hill VICTORIA 3128
Ph:    +61 3 9296 4609
Fax:  +61 3 9296 4708
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 11,39:46 AM by Peter r » Logged
Peter r
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 2482

« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2009, 11,47:43 AM »

Come on Guys, if i can do it, SO CAN YOU!!!
Serge C
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 3011

« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2009, 08,04:26 AM »

Here's my effort.  I await a reply!

Firstly, I'd like to say thank you, for giving AMTRA your time to attend our General meeting a month or two back.  As you no doubt realized, AMTRA are a group of people passionate about trail-riding and our riding areas, and the DSE's views on our sport are important to us.
Following on from here, it comes to my attention, that the Department are looking into the closure of a number of tracks in the Mount Disappointment, Murrindindi, Eildon, Black Range and Strathbogies areas.  As indicated by the Department, these tracks have fallen into a state of disrepair, and will require significant effort to get them into a 'usable' state, the logical conclusion therefore, is to close them to ALL traffic.
AMTRA would argue, that the closing of gazetted and 'legal' tracks would force riders onto the more heavily used tracks in our forests, increasing the traffic volume, and potential accident rate.  We would much prefer to see these tracks left as they are.  I cannot pretend that I am familiar with all the tracks in question, but certainly those in the Mt. Disappointment and Eildon areas are well know to me, and in their current state, offer some what of a 'challenge' to our riding activities.  Taking away these 'challenges' may persuade some riders to enter the 'illegal' (single-track) network, and this is frowned on by both our organizations.
In short, please DO NOT close, or consider closing these tracks without, at least, consultation with groups such as AMTRA.  Signage suggesting that a track is 'in a poor state - caution to be taken', would advise potential users of what to expect.  Usage of these tracks by trail-riders and 4WD's would help to keep them clear and open, at no expense to the Government.  Win - win!
Serge C

"He may look like an idiot, he may sound like an idiot, but don't let that fool you...he really is an idiot!" - Groucho Marx.
Serge C
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 3011

« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2009, 06,38:29 AM »

The Reply

Hi Serge,

I have had an offer from Paul Coffey (AMTRA) for AMTRA members to come out with DSE and do field inspections of the proposed closures and give a perspective from the dirt bike riders point of view.

I reckon this is a great idea, and will talk to the NE Trail Bike Project Officer (Felicity Wardlaw) when she gets back from holiday. I would expect we would be looking at mid November.

We will probably do the invite through the AMTRA President and he can then sort out which members would like to attend.


Richard Wadsworth
Statewide Recreation & Tourism Coordinator
Land & Fire Services
2/30 Prospect Street
Box Hill VICTORIA 3128
Ph:    +61 3 9296 4609
Fax:  +61 3 9296 4708

"He may look like an idiot, he may sound like an idiot, but don't let that fool you...he really is an idiot!" - Groucho Marx.
Phil Randall
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 413

« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2009, 07,30:39 AM »

  I am a bit slow off the mark, but are sending the following.
Phil R.

*Projects Officer.DSE.doc
25 KB - downloaded 605 times
*Projects Officer.DSE.doc
25 KB - downloaded 553 times


Phil Randall
Full Member 2013/2014

Posts: 2825

« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2009, 09,05:27 AM »

Is it possible to do a online petition so we can show our club numbers rather than just a few sending a few emails possibly we could send in hundreds or signatures complaining ?Will

You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old becuase you stop laughing.
Never take life seriously.... Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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2010 KTM 690 Duke
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Posts: 14

« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2009, 04,11:23 AM »

Hey guys, not sure if its been mentioned in the thread but a petition is also running against the closures. Takes under 10 seconds to fill out and will be quite useful in the fight.

Check it out at...

Left hand corner
Paul Smith
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2009, 10,20:56 AM »

AMTRA was assured by Richard Wadsworth that we would be contacted about any track closures and we volunteered to meet with the DSE on site to address any issues.

We had a ride at Eildon on the weekend and guess what ?

No consultation, no advice, nothing. The DSE have proceeded to block Second Creek track. They have bowled over dozens of habitat trees for birds and other wildlife in the process. The damage is appalling. The track is supposed to be open for use.

The DSE as a government authority would have had some moral ground had they actually followed their process before sending in the wheeled excavator (Keaths Excavations) to wreak they usual havoc.

From the Plan Document
DSE seeks written community feedback on the proposed road and single track closures contained in this Plan.
The proposed plan will provide the basis for the final Road and Single-Track Closure Plan for the North East Area.

When I read that second creek track was being closed because it was not longer required by the DSE we (AMTRA) asked the DSE to leave it as is and
simply signpost it as unmaintained. It seems more than a little convenient that after we put forward our reasonable request that there is all of a sudden an endangered frog in the area now. The frog (if it exists) could be avoided by bridging the creek.

I have seven questions for Roger and Richard.

1. Where is the consultation ?

2. Where is the advice that the tracks are being closed ?

3. Where is the science to back up the use of the track having any impact on the mysterious bullsh1t track closing frog ?

4. Where is your commitment to the needs of the whole community ?

5. How many submissions did you get requesting permanent closure and how many did you get requesting tracks stay open ?

6. Tell us how many tracks you've left open as a result of the community feedback that you have.

7. Do the DSE have any proof that turning tracks into highways makes them safer for anyone ?

Community feedback is meant to take into account the COMMUNITY. From where I stand this is a disgusting abuse of power by the DSE. I will be writing to every government minister requesting an explanation of this appalling situation.

Posts: 338

« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2009, 11,56:46 AM »

It's amazing that the dse have time to close tracks when there are still tracks which have not been cleared from
 the bushfires.

Posts: 62

« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2009, 03,34:45 PM »

I ride the Strathbogie Ranges lots and have led a few amtra members on rides with me and I really hope the track they are talking about closing stays open to bikes at least as it is a nice 10mins or so of riding it would be easy to build a crossing over the creek for bikes so that we dont upset the frogs or what ever is the problem, I will even give my time to build something there I reckon with a few people and hours work we could build a very strong bridge for bikes it is only 2 to 3 metres to cross it.

I have also seen the damage that the DSE has done to tracks in the Strathbogie Ranges area to close tracks off, many tree's have been pushed over and I am not talking 3 or 4 I am talking 30 or 40 big trees which has just seen the 4x4's and bike's make new tracks all around them when with a little more thought all the damage could have been kept to a min, they seem to have one law for them and another for the public, can you imagine what would happen to the public if we were caught cutting down that many tree's, I bet the greenies dont know the damage the DSE make, they have made more damage in 1 day in spots than 4x4's and bikes would make ever.


« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 02,11:51 PM by Mick » Logged

Vinduro - Australia EBT Forum all are welcome Smiley
Peter Monty

Posts: 221

« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2010, 10,31:07 AM »

Hi, I'm just new as a member, but I have plenty of experience with bush closures. In another lifetime I sat & watched CAMS negotiate with the then Kennet government & Hancocks who now by deceit "own" so much of the australian communities bush its not funny. ( NO this is not a political rant, rather a sad tale of facts from the past)

Consultation is fine, however as a group we should amplify our disgust as ordinary Australians in having access STOPPED. Be polite but be assertive. Most of all dont back down

I saw the comment of "no compassion" raised in some of the chat so far.

DONT be FOOLED, MISLED or STUPID, there is no compassion in politics! The minorities WILL through well proven methods CLOSE the tracks THEY DONT WANT YOU ON.

In my area I have lots to do with government, councils and community not really by choice rather by default. But I noted at a recent bushfire meeting that locals in Glenburn who opposed the north south pipeline now think its a good starting point as a fire break. But the locals also note the deliberate  revegetation of low to medium fast burning scrub as the replant to complete the environmental clean up. NOT really what the community want!  Also the DSE closure of all tracks" NOTE the polite DSE signs outlining community consultation, but the tracks still are closing! ( What does that prove? )

The point of this story : 1680 members should all be sending emails , telling their friends and asking for them to do the same.

From very bitter experience, dont expect 10 polite letters to achieve a result! By default AMTRA should if possible put a group together to lobby against closures, band up with those also effected.

Outline a list of positive's in allowing us to use the bush. Not just "cause I like to ride there" If you travel outside the CBD you bring valuable commercial assistance to businesses all along the way while going to any area we ride.

I know I will be sending emails off to everyone I know to ask support.

" What happens in 3 years time after tracks are closed? 2 guys in blue overalls on KTM's giving you $800+ fines plus costs etc if you try to defend your case"

Its up to us all!

Ya wouldnt be dead for quids!
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