Title: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Serge C on November 15, 2013, 08,53:31 AM The women folk have all left me this evening, so I thought I'd download a movie on our fancy, new apple iTV. It's a 2 hour film and it's currently telling me it will take 3 hours and 45 minutes to download! At this rate, I'll be asleep by the time it's ready to watch, Title: Re: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Ian Robinson on November 15, 2013, 09,00:27 AM Does your tv have internet access. If so, look up Project Free TV. We don't actually download, just let the shows build up in cache then watch them.
Actually, I forgot, we load the show onto a computer then connect the computer to the tv. Title: Re: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Serge C on November 15, 2013, 09,10:11 AM We've watched a few through Apple TV, and we usually start watching them straight away, no buffering, no delay. But just because I want a man-night-in, and watch "The LittleMermaid", technology bites me and says "you shall wait!" I'll be p15sed by the time the film is ready! Title: Re: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Serge C on November 15, 2013, 09,16:44 AM It's now telling me 4 hous 14 mins! WTF? Title: Re: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Mat R on November 15, 2013, 10,17:25 AM Yep, internet - never there when you really need it. Maybe Apple didn't pay their ISP bill and got throttled down. ::)
And which version of Little Mermaid did you want to watch. I smell something fishy going on here. :P Title: Re: Friday Night - not happy! Post by: Ken R on November 18, 2013, 12,37:05 AM Hey Serge - did you forget where you hid the Playboys ;D ;D