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Author Topic: Victorian Trail Riders Network newsletter  (Read 5489 times)
Ian Robinson

Posts: 2551

Life Member

« on: December 22, 2008, 06,32:40 AM »

Some light reading. We need to support anyone doing this type of work.


54.2 KB - downloaded 252 times

Life member since Feb 82

Only a motorcyclist knows why a dog hangs its head out the window.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 08,10:36 PM »

Good article, how or who is the liason person on the AMTRA committee with VTRN.
I have pleanty of creek crossing photo's but they are all of bikes going across normal 4WD crossings not single ones!
Does this help to show we use regular tracks to cross the creeks and rivers?

Ken R
Committee 2013/2014
Posts: 699

Himalayas gateway, only 16,000ft to go.

« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 09,22:07 PM »

VTRN deserve our support. I have logged on as a supporter and there is no joining fee. All AMTRA members should spend a few minutes to become a supporter to hopefully keep the tracks open.

SEX - It's OK, but nothing like the real thing!!
Ian Robinson

Posts: 2551

Life Member

« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 11,39:08 PM »

Good article, how or who is the liason person on the AMTRA committee with VTRN.
I have pleanty of creek crossing photo's but they are all of bikes going across normal 4WD crossings not single ones!
Does this help to show we use regular tracks to cross the creeks and rivers?


I suspect that would be me at present however to be honest, I just dont have the time to put into any extra things outside AMTRA, work and family at present.


Life member since Feb 82

Only a motorcyclist knows why a dog hangs its head out the window.
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2008, 10,47:53 AM »

NP, understand how busy things are.
Ken's idea was a good one.

« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 04,31:37 AM »

Hi Guys,

Nice see a few of you read the the Re-Traction. I thought the article on creek crossings would make a few people think before they just hit the twisty thing that makes more noise when cross a waterway (big, small or otherwise).  Rider feedback has been positive saying they now realise they should do more to protect sensitve areas. Feedback from DSE was they thought the article only encouraged riders to use illegal tracks and go places thay shouldn't! Roll Eyes

The next Re-Traction is running a little late while we sort throw a few issues in the Otway and Enfield forests.

Please visit the website,

Thanks again for your support.
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 02,04:06 AM »


Victorian Trail Riders Fight to Keep the Bush Open

Trail Riders from across Victoria are banding together to fight proposed government bush road and track closures in favourite riding areas to all forest users.

New plans released by the Department of Sustainability and Environment to permanently close popular riding areas in the Otway Forest Parks and Enfield State Forest have angered riders.

Victorian Trail Riders Network Coordinator, Bruce Dupe said riders were disappointed that the government was not willing to work toward partnerships and cooperative arrangements with responsible riders, rider organisations and other forest user groups

“Just when we were seeing results DSE changed the plans we had been jointly working on and announce they intend to close down whole areas!”

“We had worked really hard to come up with sustainable solutions to keep the bush open but after everything we have done we wonder why we bothered.” he said.

“It’s not just motorcycle riders this will effect, it’s four wheel drives, horse riders and even bicycle riders!”

The Victorian government has commenced a six week consultation process but trail riders have little faith in the process after a spate of track closures in the area in recent years and a fear of more to come.

“DSE and Parks Victoria have strung up dangerous steel cable and concrete barriers along roads and tracks to keep people out of the bush and now they are going to do more and more.” says Bruce Dupe.

“The riding loops the bureaucrats have suggested are almost all gravel roads with considerable use by local residents and tourists.”

“It gets scary when you come around a corner with heavy steel cables on each side and see a Landcruiser heading for you on your side of the road! That’s not the riding experience I’m looking for, it’s just plain dangerous!”

The Victorian Trail Riders Network is calling on all riders across Victoria and another concerned forest users to join the network and help stop the current proposed track closures from going ahead. VTRN is working with other user groups to challenge the track closures on legal grounds and is lobbying government ministers and MP’s in an effort to halt the process before it is too late.

For further information please contact, Bruce Dupe, Victorian Trail Riders Network on (03) 5288 7227 or visit the webpage

« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2009, 06,30:41 AM »

Hoping that in Victoria what happens in local government works at a state level as follows.
If a letter is written regarding issues to the appropriate authority warning of a potentialy dangerous or fatel situation(s) that exists or are created; then the responsible authority is duly warned and may have under their operating charter an ajudecare to ensure that the situation the letter warns off does not happen.
Otherwise (if the court agrees) they can be deemed negligent and liable!


« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2009, 06,50:24 AM »

Don't worry Brad they know just don't care. Check the photo. This was not staged, you can see where a bike has got caught on the lose ridge of gravel and skidded almost into the fence. Sooner or later it will happen and I'll happily go along to court and say "I told you so! " as a witness.

These are 70 and 90kph corners, not where I want to ride by choice. I think if I run off the road I have pretty good odds of missing a tree but I have no hope of missing that cable! Both these sections of road are controlled by local government but the cable was erected by Parks Vic.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 06,56:22 AM by mototrials » Logged
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2009, 08,45:41 AM »

Did a letter go out warning them.
Even better did they acknowledge it and are on the hook?

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