The AMTRA imdemnity for is below, cut and past it into word or whatever and print from there DEED OF INDEMNITY
(please print name)
For myself and my successors and assigns, in consideration of AMTRA permitting me to be using the club property and/or involved in AMTRA events and trail rides, I HEREBY AGREE to indemnify and keep indemnified AMTRA from any claim, cause, action, suit or proceeding which may arise out of or in connection with use of the club property and my involvement in AMTRA events and trail rides, whether such claim, cause, action, suit or proceeding arises from any death or injury or loss of property or otherwise (the risks) that may be sustained or suffered by me both during transportation to and from the event or trail ride or at the location of the event or trail ride.
I FURTHER HEREBY AGREE AND COVENANT to indemnify all members of AMTRA and trail ride supervisors and leaders and other participants in the trail ride in relation to any claim, cause, action, suit or proceeding with respect to all of the risks and I agree that I shall not bring, either in my name or on behalf of any third party, any claim, cause, action, suit or proceeding against AMTRA, its members, trail ride supervisors and leaders and other participants in the trail ride with respect to any of the risks.
I ACKNOWLEDGE that trail bike riding is an inherently dangerous activity and that I have chosen of my own free will to undertake the trail ride and that I have conducted my own investigations as to the safety and suitability of the trail ride that I am about to undertake with AMTRA AND I FURTHER HEREBY COVENANT AND AGREE that I have the requisite skills, ability and equipment to undertake the trail ride proposed. I freely signed this document without compulsion and understand that I and I alone accept responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or death which may be suffered by me as a result of my participation in the trail ride or transport to or from the trail ride or whilst on location at the site of the trail ride or through the duration of the day in which the trail ride occurs.
This document shall be read and construed as a Deed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this indemnity has been executed on the
day of
in the presence of
Witness Signature
Witness Print Name and Address
Less Sound = More Ground