Title: Buxton to Jeruselem Crk and back Post by: Ian Robinson on November 03, 2008, 07,56:19 AM Date 9-11-08,Buxton –Jerusalem Ck
• Ride leader Rob Balaz 0417-537825 BH 98987100 • Directions Travel to Buxton on the Maroondah Hwy.Turn Right towards Marysville.Approx 5 kms turn left at Mt Margeret Rd then take left fork at Cerberus Rd.Travel approx 500 mtrs and starting point is on RHS.Sign reads Kepples Camp Area.Ride starts at 9-00am sharp.”DONT BE LATE” • RING if You are Coming • Start time 8-30am.Leaving at 9-00AM sharp • Good Fun all day Ride level 2/Clubman.Be prepared for 80kms to lunch and fuel at Jerusalem creek on lake Eildon. • Be prepared to do some tailman duties,Written report or Verbal report at the meeting. • If you have a dirt bike and can start it You can do this ride.It’s always fun and adventurous.Bring a positive attitude and get involved. CU There Rob Balaz |