Ride date Saturday 27th June 2009.
Meet at the Ridge Rd carpark Cobaw State Forest at 12p.m. Unload bikes at Ridge Rd carpark in Cobaw, which is easily accessible to 2WD vehicles.
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=melbourne&daddr=Ridge+Rd&hl=en&geocode=%3BFdGkx_0d7LaeCA&mra=ls&sll=-37.247548,144.620461&sspn=0.012742,0.019226&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.252809,144.619431&spn=0.025483,0.038452&z=15Rec Reg suitable.
Ride time around 4 hours, start with a full tank and there is no need to refuel.
Ride is Level 1 to Level 2 depending on group, frequent breaks.
Visitors welcome.
Terrain is rocky in places, sandy soils with good drainage even after heavy rains.
Mat R is away for the Cobaw afternoon bash this month so Ill be leading this time round until Mat's return. (Dave)
Contact: Dave 0410 606 352