If your one of the 3 people who missed my last Wombat ride, it's on again. Need to see if I can beat 41 riders.
If it's wet it is very slipery, but terrain is not that hard. Lots of special tracks.
I will run the format a little different to last time. Two loops of 70km each maximum. Lunch and refuel back at the cars. So bring your own lunch and fuel.
We can meet up at the BP/Mcdonalds outbound just past calder park. I will be here at 8.00am and LEAVE here 8.30am. At Carrolls Lane at 9.00am for a 9.30 start.
This time we will Park at the Firebreak 1 car park on the left.
Google earth link to location, Wombat Carrols Lane:
http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&layer=&ie=UTF8&om=1&msid=104371664536792406717.00000111c9182892c42c5&msa=0&ll=-37.561997,145.132141&spn=1.389039,2.018738&z=9Call Aaron 0424171653
Please note: On most GPS systems Carrolls lane is spelt Carolls Lane(only 1 r)