Title: CRF250 - Unwanted Prize - Be quick Post by: Paul Smith on March 28, 2008, 08,21:41 AM Guys,
A friend of a friend won a new bike and all new gear in a raffle. I figure one of you may be interested. BIKE 2008 CRF250X (http://www.vinamtra.com.au/forum/gallery/40_28_03_08_4_11_04.JPG) GEAR M2R Helmet with visor (Red/Black)Lge Rallycross EVO Jacket (Blk,Red,Ant) Lge Rogue no fear top lge Rogue no fear pants lge Rogue no fear gloves lge OXTAR Boots TCX Pro2 UK11/US12 Asterisk Cell Quad Fasteners Reb/Blk Lge No Fear Chest Protector MDX Goggles REV X-3 Off Rd Visor No fear back Pack Bike Only $10800 Bike and gear $12000 The price is negotiable. All gear is in S.A. but the guy will be here in Melb on April 12th. He will be visiting my next door neighbor. If you want to call him his details are (GIL) on 0402 267642 Title: Re: CRF250 - Unwanted Prize - Be quick Post by: chrism on March 28, 2008, 09,41:38 PM Lucky bastard, shame it didn't go to somone who would use it!