Title: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: Frankie-boy on April 10, 2011, 05,39:28 AM All the clean living has paid off, never smoked or drank beer, not even coffee,& ate all the good stuff, you wouldn't think he's 41 years old, very fit, he's on the go all the time,I can pat myself on the back for not pushing him to hard in his mini bike days, he is still as keen now as he was when he first started riding.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uygTJT70dP4 Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: Willbar on April 10, 2011, 11,37:10 PM He makes it look so easy Frank. :D ;D
Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: Frankie-boy on April 11, 2011, 06,33:58 AM He makes it look so easy Frank. :D ;D Yeah, I would never try that, I'm glad there wasn't stuff like that in my day when I was racing, my son was telling me yesterday about his brother in law's 5 year old son going around that track with both feet off the pegs over the jumps on his PW50My son stopped him & asked him what he was doing, he said I'm doing tricks ;D my son then told him better wait till your a bit older. You don't realize how much those little kids take on board when they watch the videos. Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: MarcL on April 12, 2011, 12,56:45 AM If he's 41 why doesn'y he get a grown ups bike ???
Or does he have the same problem as Serge & I ? Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: Serge C on April 12, 2011, 03,39:10 AM If he's 41 why doesn'y he get a grown ups bike ??? Or does he have the same problem as Serge & I ? Hey, I resemble that comment! Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: Frankie-boy on April 12, 2011, 06,52:14 AM If he's 41 why doesn'y he get a grown ups bike ??? Or does he have the same problem as Serge & I ? [/quote He is 41 years old, the reason he races the pit bikes is , because they are a lot of fun,he is an importer of the PSTO pit bike, in a small way at the moment, but hopes to hang up the hammer & nail bag in time, & work from home, doing race setup & tuning, he is a A grade M/x racer & still rides the big bikes now & then, some of the top m/x races like racing these pit bikes as well, but,when their sponsors found out they stopped them from taking part. Title: Re: In training to defend his title in the USA Post by: seano on April 12, 2011, 08,22:38 AM If he's 41 why doesn'y he get a grown ups bike ??? Or does he have the same problem as Serge & I ? Hey, I resemble that comment! |